New Spin on an Old Scam
We have recently come across a new variation on the gift card scam. In the past it was always a vague urgent need. Now it has appeared under the guise of wanting to setup an employee incentive program.
We have recently come across a new variation on the gift card scam. In the past it was always a vague urgent need. Now it has appeared under the guise of wanting to setup an employee incentive program.
It’s very likely that you are used to going to your photo library on your phone, selecting the pictures you want to send and then choosing the app. Outlook on your phone works just like it does on your desktop. Draft a new email and add media to it from the draft. (The options for what you can… Read More »
Connect PowerShell to 365 Then use these commands to block senders: #Add Sender Block $Email = “” New-TenantAllowBlockListItems -block -ListType Sender -Entries $Email -NoExpiration
Changing the Rendering Mode in Revu will improve load time and overall performance. In Revu, click Revu > Preference > Advanced > 2D Rendering (tab) Select Wait for completion in the Rendering Mode dropdown menu The Wait for Completion rendering mode disables partial redrawing of the display..
When Autocad launches to a licensing error, tells you to contact support and only leaves you with the option to quit!
In Windows 10 the old (win8) tricks for removing Microsoft apps no longer work.Here are a number of useful powershell commands.
Issue: (Example – A trial install to network license) Your licensing type has changed and you need to change the licensing option within the program. Delete file in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\ProductKey_ProductVersion.0.0.F
A freeware option that I used to use and still comes in handy is called NK2Edit from NirSoft, it does handle newer data just follow the instructions. Has the advantage of being able to edit the autocomplete data as well. There are also things you can do like importing nk2 files by launching outlook with the /importnk2 switch.… Read More »
So outlook has stopped opening links or attachments and there have been no changes in the trust center and no recent windows updates…. Open Regedit and check the following key. “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \.html”
If you get an error about multiple connections by the same user using different usernames; net use * /d
So you have gone through part 1 and now get an error saying the directory service is busy! Is SQL Express or SQL installed? If so, from an elevated command prompt type: setspn -L computername Note any registered SPN in the format of MSSQLSvc/[Computer Name]:[Instance Name] Delete each of the SPN’s noted above. setspn –d [SPN Name] [ComputerName]… Read More »
Full article here. Newer servers use SMB2/3 which has packet signing turn on. The net result is that copied/moved/renamed files never finalize the process. 2 sets of instructions below based on whether or not there already exists an nsmb.conf file or not.
Update services are running yet the windows update control panel says that they aren’t when you try to check for updates. Disable windows update service and then stop it. At this point go to Windows\SoftwareDistribution and rename the folder to SoftwareDistributionOld. Enable windows update service and start. You should be able to check for updates now.
Windows/Temp filling with cab_XXXX files. Deleting the cab_xxxx files only resulted in regeneration. Checking \Logs\CBS folder I found lots of .log and (some) .cab files It seems, that windows wasn’t able to zip (makecab.exe) one of the .log files. Solution was: in \Logs\CBS folder delete the oldest .log file (you can also delete them all) in \temp folder… Read More »
Hopefully this doesn’t come up often but when it does… Windows 10 no longer supports SMB1. It can be enabled (it is also a big security hole) Powershell as administrator: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol more on the topic in general here.
Prerequisites: The user that you are going to run the eDiscovery as must be a member of Mailbox Search Role and the Discovery Management Role Group (The discovery management Role Group will encompass the Mailbox Search Role) You will not see the eDiscovery or litigation hold options (The compliance management menu item on the left side of the… Read More »
You have removed delegate rights to a users account but the account continues to display in outlook. Slipstick to the rescue again. There are a bunch of interesting solutions in this link. [Key, AD users and groups, Advanced view, Attribute editor]
Powershell to the rescue.
Windows updates search endlessly then throw an error? Turn off updating for non-windows software and also disable smartscreen filter as well as Symantec.
Microsoft had changed the logging format for WU. run powershell command: Get-WindowsUpdateLog then type windowsupdate.log at the command prompt. Additional info can be obtained in c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log
It’s actually the default behavior. Use PowerShell to make it useful again. for Exchange 2010, 2013 and 2016 use the following…More Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False
Autodesk products, particularly Building Design Systems, can be very complicated installs. Fortunately Autodesk includes an app manager that will allow you to uninstall all or select certain apps to remove. It is found in Start>All Programs>Autodesk>Uninstall Tool
Thank heavens you aren’t the first. Here is a blog entry to save you.
To prevent loss of data on Dell servers, firmware and Windows drivers for the RAID controllers must be updated as new versions are released. Use Dell Open Manage to determine which RAID controller you have. Collect your system Service tag. (CMD: WMIC csproduct) Go to and enter your service tag. Narrow the category down to SAS Raid.… Read More »
Very handy calculator can be found here.
This is usually achieved through Active Directory policies. Most documents and guides will tell you that you just need to turn off three policies in Windows 2008, under Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options:
How To Delegate the Unlock Account Right (It’s rather buried)
Server 2008 can be managed by installing remote server administration tools (RSAT, very specific version requirements!) Same can be done with Win8 and up and Server 2012 and up… Win7, however, is a bit more complicated.
Ajera updates at least once a month. In doing so it also replaces the AjeraService.sysajera file. (in the root of the Ajera directory tree) This file contains the path to Ajera and if you changed it on install it will overwrite it. If the path is wrong email notifications will break. You will find Ajera and exchange errors… Read More »
Installing in a terminal server environment and a window pops up saying “Windows Installer Coordinator” is preparing for first time use.
Use this if the option to turn the icon on is greyed out in the system tray.
Network license manger for for Chaos products is the “Zoo License Manager” Restart it.
In the event a connection is lost while working on a remote file check c:\programdata\jungledisk\wg-cache\faileduploads
JungleDisk recommends that WebDav be turned on with Windows 10. They don’t say why however and doing so will add extra steps for the user as all windows links will take you to a web page which won’t actually work. Instructions on breaking it are here so that you can un-break it.
Do not blacklist * as companies such as Expensify and Adobe have begun using them as a mail provider. At the same time DO NOT whitelist as it is a notorious source junk.