Category Archives: Software

Exchange Permissions

By | August 16, 2018

You can list all users with Mailbox permissions with this in PowerShell: Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring() -ne “NT AUTHORITY\SELF” -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false} | Select Identity,User | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation mailboxpermissions.csv

Autodesk License Mode

By | June 8, 2018

Issue: (Example – A trial install to network license) Your licensing type has changed and you need to change the licensing option within the program. Delete file in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\ProductKey_ProductVersion.0.0.F

AutoCAD Interface Reset

By | May 10, 2018

If your toolbars vanish you can do the following to reset AutoCAD: From the Start menu go to > AutoCAD 20nn – English (Folder icon) > Reset Settings to Default Backing up the current interface is advisable if you have made extensive customizations. In some instances, Reset Settings to Default will be missing. More…        

Outlook Autocomplete

By | March 23, 2018

A freeware option that I used to use and still comes in handy is called NK2Edit from NirSoft, it does handle newer data just follow the instructions. Has the advantage of being able to edit the autocomplete data as well. There are also things you can do like importing nk2 files by launching outlook with the /importnk2 switch.… Read More »

Outlook Shenanigans

By | March 21, 2018

So outlook has stopped opening links or attachments and there have been no changes in the trust center and no recent windows updates…. Open Regedit and check the following key. “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \.html”

Autodesk License via VPN

By | December 6, 2017

If AutoCAD fails to pull a license over a VPN you need to adjust the time out period that it tries to  connect. Do this by adding a system variable and it fixes all Autodesk products. System>Advanced…>Environment Variables>System Variables>New variable name:   FLEXLM_TIMEOUT                Variable value:   10000000

Segmented Zip Files

By | November 29, 2017

7 Zip will segment files as it creates a compressed file with this command: cd “C:\Program Files\7-Zip” 7z -v500m a c:\backup\Filename C:\FolderToCompress Usage: 7z a -v{Size}[b|k|m|g] [<switches>…] <archive_name> [<file_names>…]

Photo Viewer for 10

By | November 15, 2017

Some users prefer to use the old Windows Photo Viewer. If the PC was upgraded it is still available. For a system that was clean installed use this registry hack. This also addresses the fact that Outlook is missing from the “Share Pictures” feature of the new photos app.

Sticky Outlook Accounts

By | August 4, 2017

You have removed delegate rights to a users account but the account continues to display in outlook. Slipstick to the rescue again. There are a bunch of interesting solutions in this link. [Key, AD users and groups, Advanced view, Attribute editor]

Outlook Search Fails

By | June 30, 2017

In June Microsoft released a patch for Office that breaks the index on some PCs (users can no longer search Outlook). To fix this install optional update “2017-06 Preview on Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows…”. This only applies to Windows 7.


By | June 11, 2017

  Clonezilla is a free partition and disk imaging/cloning program. It runs from USB and works with basically every OS. It can be used to do a direct clone to a new drive or backup to an image that can be restored to bare metal.  Instructions:

Exchange Email Format

By | May 9, 2017

In Exchange, emails sent outside the organization are converted and the format of these can be set per domain or for all domains. If messages are sent in text format, some recipients will have issues viewing attached images. ContentType should be MimeHtmlText not MimeText when running: Get-RemoteDomain |fl To update it run the following with either a domain… Read More »

Uninstalling Autodesk

By | April 28, 2017

Autodesk products, particularly Building Design Systems, can be very complicated installs. Fortunately Autodesk includes an app manager that will allow you to uninstall all or select certain apps to remove. It is found in Start>All Programs>Autodesk>Uninstall Tool

AutoCAD install fails

By | April 20, 2017

The AutoDesk installer does not do any prequalification checks. This means that when a deployment, which has a dozen or more components,  begins it will install what it can until it finds a resource missing and then it will stop without any notice. You will be left with some of the components, but AutoCAD will be missing.

Clean All Temp Folders

By | February 28, 2017

$tempfolders = @(“C:\Windows\Temp\*”, “C:\Windows\Prefetch\*”, “C:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\temp\*”, “C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Temp\*”,”C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*”); Remove-Item $tempfolders -force -recurse

Buzzsaw: Clear Cashe

By | December 16, 2016

To Clear the Cache follow these steps: · Close out of Buzzsaw · Navigate to C:\Users · Open the folder labeled with your username · Open the folder labeled “AppData” · Open the folder labeled “Roaming” · Open the folder labeled “ProjectPoint-2013” · Delete only the “Cache” folder To Reinstall: · Click on this link · Follow… Read More »

EDB Recovery

By | October 24, 2016

To recover an Exchange database: 1) Run eseutil /mh E:\Exchange\mailbox.edb If the state is Clean Shutdown skip to step 4 2)Verify Logs are not damaged: eseutil /ml E:\Exchange\Log\E01 (path ends with the first 3 characters of log files to be inspected) 3) Try eseutil /r E00 /a /t /d E:\Exchange\Mailbox.edb /l E:\Exchange\Log For this error: “Operation terminated with… Read More »

Bootable USB installer

By | October 11, 2016

Make sure that you use 8GB or larger USB drive. All existing data will be deleted. Diskpart list Volume select volume “X” (where X is the USB vol. number from 2) clean create partition primary format fs=ntfs label=OS_Install quick active Copy the contents of a bootable ISO to your USB.

Ajera and Notifications

By | July 19, 2016

Ajera updates at least once a month. In doing so it also replaces the AjeraService.sysajera file. (in the root of the Ajera directory tree) This file contains the path to Ajera and if you changed it on install it will overwrite it. If the path is wrong email notifications will break. You will find Ajera and exchange errors… Read More »

JungleDisk & Windows 10

By | July 1, 2016

JungleDisk recommends that WebDav be turned on with Windows 10. They don’t say why however and doing so will add extra steps for the user as all windows links will take you to a web page which won’t actually work. Instructions on breaking it are here so that you can un-break it.

Workgroup & Outlook

By | March 14, 2016

It is possible to totally eliminate the outlook log on requirement when a user is on a workgroup PC. 1) set the workgroup name to match the pre2k log on domain that hosts the exchange server.  2) Set the user name on the users local account to match the user name in AD. These settings cause Outlook to… Read More »

Outlook 2016 setup

By | February 14, 2016

When connecting Outlook 2016 first ensure is setup. Next use the auto configuration wizard not manual setup (depreciated). If prompted for a user name DO NOT prepend it with the domain: NMS\Jon Smith becomes Jon Smith

AutoDiscover Req in ’16

By | January 24, 2016

AutoDiscover must be configured or Outlook 2016 will be unable to connect to Exchange Server. Outlook 2016 retrieves Exchange connectivity settings directly from AutoDiscover instead of the registry, making profiles more reliable, but that also makes AutoDiscover a required feature. If you have not yet configured AutoDiscover, you will need to do this prior to deploying Outlook 2016.… Read More »