Category Archives: IT

Create macOS ISO

By | October 19, 2017

1) Create a blank disk image: hdiutil create -o /tmp/HighSierra.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J 2) Mount your image: hdiutil attach /tmp/HighSierra.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build 3) Restore BaseSystem.dmg from the installer: asr restore -source /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ -target /Volumes/install_build -noprompt -noverify -erase 4) Unmount the image: hdiutil detach /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System 5) Convert the… Read More »

Uninstalling Autodesk

By | April 28, 2017

Autodesk products, particularly Building Design Systems, can be very complicated installs. Fortunately Autodesk includes an app manager that will allow you to uninstall all or select certain apps to remove. It is found in Start>All Programs>Autodesk>Uninstall Tool

AutoCAD install fails

By | April 20, 2017

The AutoDesk installer does not do any prequalification checks. This means that when a deployment, which has a dozen or more components,  begins it will install what it can until it finds a resource missing and then it will stop without any notice. You will be left with some of the components, but AutoCAD will be missing.

Financing options

By | March 28, 2017

When dealing with clients and making recommendations, keep in mind and mention to them that there are a number of companies that offer competitive financing, or will make it possible for the client to purchase equipment as part of a lease with a $1 buyout. We work with a number of companies that specialize in financing IT infrastructure.… Read More »

Clean All Temp Folders

By | February 28, 2017

$tempfolders = @(“C:\Windows\Temp\*”, “C:\Windows\Prefetch\*”, “C:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\temp\*”, “C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Temp\*”,”C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*”); Remove-Item $tempfolders -force -recurse

Exporting Mailboxes

By | January 18, 2017

You can export entire mailboxes (smaller than 50GB) to PST, from the Exchange console: New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox “Amy Smith” -FilePath “\\Server\Share\AmySmith.pst” To get Status of the request: Get-MailboxExportRequest | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics | fl These should be output to a fast drive with plenty of capacity (not a shadow copy volume). When decommissioning a user account move the file  to the… Read More »

Windows 7 Updates

By | December 21, 2016

Microsoft is limiting the performance of windows updates from their end for Windows 7. If you need to clean install a PC that will require updates to reach full functionality I would build it 24 hours in advance to allow windows updates to download and install. Set client expectations.

Buzzsaw: Clear Cashe

By | December 16, 2016

To Clear the Cache follow these steps: · Close out of Buzzsaw · Navigate to C:\Users · Open the folder labeled with your username · Open the folder labeled “AppData” · Open the folder labeled “Roaming” · Open the folder labeled “ProjectPoint-2013” · Delete only the “Cache” folder To Reinstall: · Click on this link · Follow… Read More »

Reverse DNS

By | November 4, 2016

Reverse DNS or rDNS is one of the older methods used to verify an email was sent from the domain. It is a record created by the ISP and not the DNS records associated with the domain. It should be setup anytime an ISP is added or changed. Each ISP has their own way of setting these up… Read More »

Dell RAID Firmware

By | November 1, 2016

To prevent loss of data on Dell servers,  firmware and Windows drivers for the RAID controllers must be updated as new versions are released. Use Dell Open Manage to determine which RAID controller you have. Collect your system Service tag. (CMD: WMIC csproduct) Go to and enter your service tag. Narrow the category down to SAS Raid.… Read More »

Bootable USB installer

By | October 11, 2016

Make sure that you use 8GB or larger USB drive. All existing data will be deleted. Diskpart list Volume select volume “X” (where X is the USB vol. number from 2) clean create partition primary format fs=ntfs label=OS_Install quick active Copy the contents of a bootable ISO to your USB.

Disable UAC via GPO

By | July 28, 2016

This is usually achieved through Active Directory policies. Most documents and guides will tell you that you just need to turn off three policies in Windows 2008, under Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options:

Scan to Email

By | July 28, 2016

Find the Scanners IP For a local scanner find the LAN IP of the Scanner For a remote office: Find the external WAN IP of the office via Go To: Exchange admin center>MailFlow> receive connectors Find the connector that works on port 25 and go to scoping Add the IP From step 1 to the section:“Receive mail… Read More »

Manage 2012 from Win7

By | July 27, 2016

Server 2008 can be managed by installing remote server administration tools (RSAT, very specific version requirements!) Same can be done with Win8 and up and Server 2012 and up… Win7, however, is a bit more complicated.

Ajera and Notifications

By | July 19, 2016

Ajera updates at least once a month. In doing so it also replaces the AjeraService.sysajera file. (in the root of the Ajera directory tree) This file contains the path to Ajera and if you changed it on install it will overwrite it. If the path is wrong email notifications will break. You will find Ajera and exchange errors… Read More »

JungleDisk & Windows 10

By | July 1, 2016

JungleDisk recommends that WebDav be turned on with Windows 10. They don’t say why however and doing so will add extra steps for the user as all windows links will take you to a web page which won’t actually work. Instructions on breaking it are here so that you can un-break it.

New Category

By | June 30, 2016

I have added Client Intranet as a new category. Add this to any post you think might be helpful to clients for example new threats, a walk through on how apps works, etc.