Enable Mailbox Archiving for Exchange 365
Follow these steps to allow mailbox archiving in 365.
Follow these steps to allow mailbox archiving in 365.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -RequiredVersion 3.0.0 Find-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllVersions -AllowPrerelease Get-InstalledModule ExchangeOnlineManagement | Format-List Name,Version,InstalledLocation Update-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
By default room calendars delete the notes field of invitations. This eliminates usufull links to Zoom or Teams meetings. to fix this run the following script: $Rooms = Get-MailBox | where {$_.ResourceType -eq “Room”} foreach ($Room in $Rooms){ Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $Room.alias -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity $Room.alias |select Identity,AddOrganizerToSubject,DeleteComments,DeleteSubject,ResourceDelegates}
Exchange Installation error 5506 is caused by the 3rd party certificates. To resolve this always change to the Microsoft cert before beginning the upgrading to the next CU. IIS > Bindings > SSL Certificate > Microsoft Exchange
To build a user account when the client has a hybrid exchange environment, it is important to start on-premise and migrate the account to 365.
Steps to set up new users.
Go to: https://outlook.office365.com/ecp/UsersGroups/AdminRoleGroups.slab (365 Exchange ) May take 24 hours to apply Add Role to: Organization Management > Mailbox Import Export Go to:https://protection.office.com/import
Microsoft does NOT perform a true synchronization between on-premise and 365 Exchange. As a result, there are many settings that can only be changed in AD or on-prem Exchange. When creating a user you must follow these steps.
Install Silverlight Add the following to Local Intranet zone: https://*. + live.com; microsoft.com; microsoftazuread-sso.com; microsoftonline.com; msftauth.net; msocdn.com; office.com; office365.com; windows.net clear the browser cache/cookies
Removing a defunct Exchange Server from AD: ADSI Edit to Configuration\Services\Microsoft Exchange\<org name>\Administrative Group\Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)\Servers +CN=[ServerName] Delete from this point including all child-items If you have any exchange 2003 public folder references or routing groups, those will need to be deleted as well. They can be deleted using the management console if you prefer.
Upgrade Active Directory Forest Functional level in the organization to Server 2012 R2 or later. Install .NET Framework 4.8 Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package
Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Enables you to configure the Sent Items folder to which a message is copied. Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration
When running Move-DatabasePath in Exchange the following error shows up ‘WMI exception occurred on server’. This is caused when the database has too many log files. The fix is to run a backup, time permitting. If time is limited: Enable circular logging on the database to be moved Dismount and Mount the database (this will start the log… Read More »
If you are seeing the following error, on messages in the Symantec Messaging Gateway queue: 450 4.4.1 [internal] Connection Timed Out These messages are being interrupted during transmission. This leads to the sender receiving a delayed delivery notice. This is caused by something in the message being rejected by the Cisco router during inspection of the traffic. To… Read More »
You can list all users with Mailbox permissions with this in PowerShell: Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring() -ne “NT AUTHORITY\SELF” -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false} | Select Identity,User | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation mailboxpermissions.csv
Prerequisites: The user that you are going to run the eDiscovery as must be a member of Mailbox Search Role and the Discovery Management Role Group (The discovery management Role Group will encompass the Mailbox Search Role) You will not see the eDiscovery or litigation hold options (The compliance management menu item on the left side of the… Read More »
To relay through exchange server the following receive connector settings should be used: Set your Name and Port as needed. Under security check ONLY: Transport Layer Security (TLS); Externally secured (for example, with IPsec); Exchange Servers; Anonymous Users From Scoping REMOVE the range. (WARNING: Skipping this will create an open relay) and add Static IPs for approved senders.… Read More »
It’s actually the default behavior. Use PowerShell to make it useful again. for Exchange 2010, 2013 and 2016 use the following…More Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False
In Exchange, emails sent outside the organization are converted and the format of these can be set per domain or for all domains. If messages are sent in text format, some recipients will have issues viewing attached images. ContentType should be MimeHtmlText not MimeText when running: Get-RemoteDomain |fl To update it run the following with either a domain… Read More »
There has been a rise in the number of instances of email addresses being spoofed. A new technique of masking the sender address by adding a “direct reply to” address, has increased the likelihood that a user will be fooled. The real sender address can only be detected when the user hits reply, at which point the new… Read More »
There is no direct upgrade to 2013. 2010 is the preferred intermediate version
This will work for moving PFs from 2007 or 2010 to 2013 or 2016
This is caused when the SSL certificate is imported into IIS and the selection to allow it to be Exported is not chosen.
You can export entire mailboxes (smaller than 50GB) to PST, from the Exchange console: New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox “Amy Smith” -FilePath “\\Server\Share\AmySmith.pst” To get Status of the request: Get-MailboxExportRequest | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics | fl These should be output to a fast drive with plenty of capacity (not a shadow copy volume). When decommissioning a user account move the file to the… Read More »
Reverse DNS or rDNS is one of the older methods used to verify an email was sent from the domain. It is a record created by the ISP and not the DNS records associated with the domain. It should be setup anytime an ISP is added or changed. Each ISP has their own way of setting these up… Read More »
To recover an Exchange database: 1) Run eseutil /mh E:\Exchange\mailbox.edb If the state is Clean Shutdown skip to step 4 2)Verify Logs are not damaged: eseutil /ml E:\Exchange\Log\E01 (path ends with the first 3 characters of log files to be inspected) 3) Try eseutil /r E00 /a /t /d E:\Exchange\Mailbox.edb /l E:\Exchange\Log For this error: “Operation terminated with… Read More »
Find the Scanners IP For a local scanner find the LAN IP of the Scanner For a remote office: Find the external WAN IP of the office via www.aboutmyip.com Go To: Exchange admin center>MailFlow> receive connectors Find the connector that works on port 25 and go to scoping Add the IP From step 1 to the section:“Receive mail… Read More »
AutoDiscover must be configured or Outlook 2016 will be unable to connect to Exchange Server. Outlook 2016 retrieves Exchange connectivity settings directly from AutoDiscover instead of the registry, making profiles more reliable, but that also makes AutoDiscover a required feature. If you have not yet configured AutoDiscover, you will need to do this prior to deploying Outlook 2016.… Read More »
Some things can be done in the GUI, lots require powershell. Part 1 Part 2
Get-ExchangeServer | Format-Table Name, *Version* Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, AdminDisplayVersion Here is the list of versions:
Email that you send on behalf of someone is not saved in their Sent Items folder https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2181579 There is a registry key to allow this but it is not available after 2007 without applying the hotfix to outlook. There are more variations detailed here: (ie, Exchange 2010 outlook 2013)
Apparently some mail servers/spam appliances are using a Cisco service that monitors email and web traffic. http://www.senderbase.org/ punch in your IP and find out what they think of you…. I have yet to figure out what to do about things like a “Neutral” rating which apparently will get you bounced. (Please add any info if you find it)… Read More »
In this example abaldwin is granted reviewer access to jjohnson’s calendar: get-mailbox -identity “jjohnson”| foreach {Add-MailboxfolderPermission $_”:\calendar” -User “abaldwin” -AccessRights Reviewer} To do this for an entire Co. use Excel and a list of all users then use Concatenate to edit the individual cmdlets which can be pasted in bulk to PowerShell.
This is caused after a new SSL Certificate is installed on Exchange. To resolve this go to IIS MMC find the certificate hash for the new cert then run the following PowerShell commands: Enable-ExchangeCertificate CertificateHash -Services SMTP Enable-ExchangeCertificate CertificateHash -Services IIS
Pre-install: Contact ISP and setup a Reverse DNS Record on public IP if not reusing existing. First, decommission and uninstall all Exchange servers older than 2007. Add the Feature: Media Foundation: Install-WindowsFeature Server-Media-Foundation Next load the following components: Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime, Filter Pack 2010 x64, Filter Pack 2010 SP1 x64 Run the install package that… Read More »