Enable Mailbox Archiving for Exchange 365
Follow these steps to allow mailbox archiving in 365.
Follow these steps to allow mailbox archiving in 365.
Beginning with Office 2016 Outlook auto-connects to 365 upon opening. This causes users to be prompted for credentials if their account is on-premise. To disable this, run this in PowerShell as the user: Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover -Name ‘ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint’ -Value 1 -Type DWord -Force
Outlook requires a data file be scanned when it has detected corruption. This can prevent users from accessing the program. To bypass this requirement the following registry key can be altered.
Here is what to expect when a mailbox is in repair mode :
Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Enables you to configure the Sent Items folder to which a message is copied. Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration
Create a .reg file with this and add it to the registry.
Navigate to this location for the user and delete both folders: /Users/me/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/
If the “Signatures” button fails to open the dialogue box for changing your signature, you can take the following steps: Locate: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32] Direct it to outlook.exe This file can be renamed .reg and imported to fix this issue on Office 365: Office365
If Outlook for Mac repeatedly asks for a password when connecting to an Office 365 e-mail account you need to: Open Utilities > Keychain > delete items referencing: “exchange” “adal” and “office”.
You can list all users with Mailbox permissions with this in PowerShell: Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring() -ne “NT AUTHORITY\SELF” -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false} | Select Identity,User | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation mailboxpermissions.csv
Copy the AutoComplete list The steps to export and import the AutoComplete list are different, depending on the version of Outlook that you are using.
A freeware option that I used to use and still comes in handy is called NK2Edit from NirSoft, it does handle newer data just follow the instructions. Has the advantage of being able to edit the autocomplete data as well. There are also things you can do like importing nk2 files by launching outlook with the /importnk2 switch.… Read More »
So outlook has stopped opening links or attachments and there have been no changes in the trust center and no recent windows updates…. Open Regedit and check the following key. “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \.html”
You have removed delegate rights to a users account but the account continues to display in outlook. Slipstick to the rescue again. There are a bunch of interesting solutions in this link. [Key, AD users and groups, Advanced view, Attribute editor]
In June Microsoft released a patch for Office that breaks the index on some PCs (users can no longer search Outlook). To fix this install optional update “2017-06 Preview on Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows…”. This only applies to Windows 7.
It’s actually the default behavior. Use PowerShell to make it useful again. for Exchange 2010, 2013 and 2016 use the following…More Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False
In Exchange, emails sent outside the organization are converted and the format of these can be set per domain or for all domains. If messages are sent in text format, some recipients will have issues viewing attached images. ContentType should be MimeHtmlText not MimeText when running: Get-RemoteDomain |fl To update it run the following with either a domain… Read More »
It is possible to totally eliminate the outlook log on requirement when a user is on a workgroup PC. 1) set the workgroup name to match the pre2k log on domain that hosts the exchange server. 2) Set the user name on the users local account to match the user name in AD. These settings cause Outlook to… Read More »
When connecting Outlook 2016 first ensure autodiscover.domain.com is setup. Next use the auto configuration wizard not manual setup (depreciated). If prompted for a user name DO NOT prepend it with the domain: NMS\Jon Smith becomes Jon Smith
AutoDiscover must be configured or Outlook 2016 will be unable to connect to Exchange Server. Outlook 2016 retrieves Exchange connectivity settings directly from AutoDiscover instead of the registry, making profiles more reliable, but that also makes AutoDiscover a required feature. If you have not yet configured AutoDiscover, you will need to do this prior to deploying Outlook 2016.… Read More »
MS Update KB3114409 (Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 32-Bit Edition) issued on Dec 8, 2015 is the culprit. Remove it and you are all good. Microsoft removed the update so if you haven’t seen it you shouldn’t.
Issue:Trying to launch pdf attachments directly from Outlook causes Acrobat to crash. Environment: Acrobat XI or above and Outlook 2010 on Win7 pro x64. Fix: Set reader to run as administrator
This is not pretty. http://www.valiant-ny.com/2012/02/archive-email-in-outlook-2011-for-mac/
Email that you send on behalf of someone is not saved in their Sent Items folder https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2181579 There is a registry key to allow this but it is not available after 2007 without applying the hotfix to outlook. There are more variations detailed here: (ie, Exchange 2010 outlook 2013)
https://litmus.com/blog/a-guide-to-rendering-differences-in-microsoft-outlook-clients The link above is to an article on the different rendering possibilities for different versions of outlook. It is lengthy and complex even though it’s just an overview! For clients that have issues with the way their email is displayed, or not displayed, or particularly for design oriented clients interested in email marketing the fact that so… Read More »
Before removing a drive from service or when moving a user to a new system, it is important to verify no PSTs have been left behind. To find all PSTs launch ISE as admin then run: Get-ChildItem -path c:\users\ -force -Recurse -filter ‘*.pst’ -erroraction ‘silentlycontinue’ | select name, Length, LastWriteTime, directory #Run as admin
In this example abaldwin is granted reviewer access to jjohnson’s calendar: get-mailbox -identity “jjohnson”| foreach {Add-MailboxfolderPermission $_”:\calendar” -User “abaldwin” -AccessRights Reviewer} To do this for an entire Co. use Excel and a list of all users then use Concatenate to edit the individual cmdlets which can be pasted in bulk to PowerShell.
Microsoft Outlook 2007-2013 support American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and UNICODE personal folders (.pst) and offline folder (.ost) files. The WarnFileSize registry entry determines the maximum data that both the .pst and the .ost files can have. After this maximum data is reached, neither the .pst nor the .ost files are permitted to add any more data. These… Read More »