AutoCAD: Reset Settings to Default app is missing
This happens when Civil 3D is installed on the system. To fix this:
This happens when Civil 3D is installed on the system. To fix this:
If you’re having issues with your Revit license, you can reset your login.
The AutoDesk Flex License Manager loads but does not distribute, licenses to versions of Autodesk that are newer than the license manager. The Autodesk products will show an expired or no licenses available message when this happens. The easiest way to update the FLM is to: Install the FLM on a local Windows PC (the Autodesk installer will… Read More »
Issue: (Example – A trial install to network license) Your licensing type has changed and you need to change the licensing option within the program. Delete file in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\ProductKey_ProductVersion.0.0.F
If your toolbars vanish you can do the following to reset AutoCAD: From the Start menu go to > AutoCAD 20nn – English (Folder icon) > Reset Settings to Default Backing up the current interface is advisable if you have made extensive customizations. In some instances, Reset Settings to Default will be missing. More…
If AutoCAD fails to pull a license over a VPN you need to adjust the time out period that it tries to connect. Do this by adding a system variable and it fixes all Autodesk products. System>Advanced…>Environment Variables>System Variables>New variable name: FLEXLM_TIMEOUT Variable value: 10000000
Autodesk products, particularly Building Design Systems, can be very complicated installs. Fortunately Autodesk includes an app manager that will allow you to uninstall all or select certain apps to remove. It is found in Start>All Programs>Autodesk>Uninstall Tool
The AutoDesk installer does not do any prequalification checks. This means that when a deployment, which has a dozen or more components, begins it will install what it can until it finds a resource missing and then it will stop without any notice. You will be left with some of the components, but AutoCAD will be missing.
To repair a corrupt Revit file that will not open, copy the file locally, from File>Open check “Audit” and open the file.
To Clear the Cache follow these steps: · Close out of Buzzsaw · Navigate to C:\Users · Open the folder labeled with your username · Open the folder labeled “AppData” · Open the folder labeled “Roaming” · Open the folder labeled “ProjectPoint-2013” · Delete only the “Cache” folder To Reinstall: · Click on this link · Follow… Read More »
This assumes it’s installed and you have run the executable that adds it to your apps. 1. In AutoCAD execute command CUILOAD 2. Select MCOLOR9x and Unload it (eg. MCOLOR97 for M-Color 9.7) 3. Restart AutoCAD If CUILOAD did not not restore M-Color menu: 1. Run AutoCAD commands: MCO_MCOLOR_MENU & MCO_MCOLOR_MENU2