Category Archives: Utilities


By | December 4, 2022

When looking at PC performance it is important to understand what is running behind the scenes. Autoruns will show what is in the registry, startup items, scheduled tasks, etc. It can be helpful when looking at system delays (the blue spinning wheel showing up next to your cursor every two seconds). Autoruns for Windows – Sysinternals | Microsoft… Read More »

Dell Command Update

By | November 5, 2021

Powershell: #Dell Command Update Repair if(test-path “C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate”){$Path = “C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe”} Else{$Path = “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe”} Start-Process -FilePath $Path -ArgumentList “/applyupdates”

Segmented Zip Files

By | November 29, 2017

7 Zip will segment files as it creates a compressed file with this command: cd “C:\Program Files\7-Zip” 7z -v500m a c:\backup\Filename C:\FolderToCompress Usage: 7z a -v{Size}[b|k|m|g] [<switches>…] <archive_name> [<file_names>…]

Photo Viewer for 10

By | November 15, 2017

Some users prefer to use the old Windows Photo Viewer. If the PC was upgraded it is still available. For a system that was clean installed use this registry hack. This also addresses the fact that Outlook is missing from the “Share Pictures” feature of the new photos app.


By | June 11, 2017

  Clonezilla is a free partition and disk imaging/cloning program. It runs from USB and works with basically every OS. It can be used to do a direct clone to a new drive or backup to an image that can be restored to bare metal.  Instructions:

Uninstalling Autodesk

By | April 28, 2017

Autodesk products, particularly Building Design Systems, can be very complicated installs. Fortunately Autodesk includes an app manager that will allow you to uninstall all or select certain apps to remove. It is found in Start>All Programs>Autodesk>Uninstall Tool

Clean All Temp Folders

By | February 28, 2017

$tempfolders = @(“C:\Windows\Temp\*”, “C:\Windows\Prefetch\*”, “C:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\temp\*”, “C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Temp\*”,”C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*”); Remove-Item $tempfolders -force -recurse

EDB Recovery

By | October 24, 2016

To recover an Exchange database: 1) Run eseutil /mh E:\Exchange\mailbox.edb If the state is Clean Shutdown skip to step 4 2)Verify Logs are not damaged: eseutil /ml E:\Exchange\Log\E01 (path ends with the first 3 characters of log files to be inspected) 3) Try eseutil /r E00 /a /t /d E:\Exchange\Mailbox.edb /l E:\Exchange\Log For this error: “Operation terminated with… Read More »


By | April 11, 2014

Fiddler is a free web debugging proxy which logs all HTTP(s) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Use it to debug traffic from virtually any application that supports a proxy like IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and more.