Verify SSL Certs
Qualys SSL Server Test I tested a site with a DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA and only received a “C” rating. See the links below SSL3 notes, RC4 in TLS notes
Qualys SSL Server Test I tested a site with a DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA and only received a “C” rating. See the links below SSL3 notes, RC4 in TLS notes
Issue:Trying to launch pdf attachments directly from Outlook causes Acrobat to crash. Environment: Acrobat XI or above and Outlook 2010 on Win7 pro x64. Fix: Set reader to run as administrator
This assumes it’s installed and you have run the executable that adds it to your apps. 1. In AutoCAD execute command CUILOAD 2. Select MCOLOR9x and Unload it (eg. MCOLOR97 for M-Color 9.7) 3. Restart AutoCAD If CUILOAD did not not restore M-Color menu: 1. Run AutoCAD commands: MCO_MCOLOR_MENU & MCO_MCOLOR_MENU2
This is not pretty.
Email that you send on behalf of someone is not saved in their Sent Items folder There is a registry key to allow this but it is not available after 2007 without applying the hotfix to outlook. There are more variations detailed here: (ie, Exchange 2010 outlook 2013)
Notepad++ has a plugin called compare. Note the visual map on the right side. This makes finding small changes in a script much easier. To access it: Install it from Plugins>Plugin Manager
New Earth Pro keys are no longer being generated. If you do not have a key, use your email address and the key GEPFREE to sign in once you download the software here:
This is our standard process for deploying Autodesk products. The link above is to an article on the different rendering possibilities for different versions of outlook. It is lengthy and complex even though it’s just an overview! For clients that have issues with the way their email is displayed, or not displayed, or particularly for design oriented clients interested in email marketing the fact that so… Read More »
Before removing a drive from service or when moving a user to a new system, it is important to verify no PSTs have been left behind. To find all PSTs launch ISE as admin then run: Get-ChildItem -path c:\users\ -force -Recurse -filter ‘*.pst’ -erroraction ‘silentlycontinue’ | select name, Length, LastWriteTime, directory #Run as admin
In this example abaldwin is granted reviewer access to jjohnson’s calendar: get-mailbox -identity “jjohnson”| foreach {Add-MailboxfolderPermission $_”:\calendar” -User “abaldwin” -AccessRights Reviewer} To do this for an entire Co. use Excel and a list of all users then use Concatenate to edit the individual cmdlets which can be pasted in bulk to PowerShell.
Microsoft Outlook 2007-2013 support American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and UNICODE personal folders (.pst) and offline folder (.ost) files. The WarnFileSize registry entry determines the maximum data that both the .pst and the .ost files can have. After this maximum data is reached, neither the .pst nor the .ost files are permitted to add any more data. These… Read More »
Fiddler is a free web debugging proxy which logs all HTTP(s) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Use it to debug traffic from virtually any application that supports a proxy like IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and more.
IMPORTANT: Before you start, you need to know removing Office manually is a long, complex process and might require that you reinstall the operating system if certain steps are done incorrectly.
Uninstall using the Program and Uninstall troubleshooter You can try running the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter to uninstall Office 2010. Warning: The troubleshooter only removes traditional MSI-based installation files. If you have a Microsoft Office Click-to-Run 2010 entry in Control Panel and you’re trying to uninstall it, the troubleshooter will not uninstall this type of Office 2010… Read More »
Ajera updates when install path is non-standard. Open d:\Ajera\AjeraService.sysajera with Notepad and update path from C:\… to D:\… (Where D is the install drive)