Ajera Passwords
The next update of Ajera 8.10 will require more advanced passwords. The requirements: Minimum of 8 characters An upper and lower case letter A number A special character
The next update of Ajera 8.10 will require more advanced passwords. The requirements: Minimum of 8 characters An upper and lower case letter A number A special character
Do not blacklist *@amazonses.com as companies such as Expensify and Adobe have begun using them as a mail provider. At the same time DO NOT whitelist as it is a notorious source junk.
This article has lots of tips… unless your issues began with an upgrade to El Capitan. (Separate post on that)
Here is the link to the issue. Midway down the page under the resolution section is the link to update 14.5.6
RDCMan makes it really easy to organize your hosts into groups, each group can have its own defaults that are automatically used (unless you choose to manually override), you can connect groups of servers with one click, plus many other nifty features. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=21101
Apple seems to get their folder structure wrong on a regular basis. If you’ve been getting an “AppleSyncNotifier.exe – Entry Point Not Found” error every time you reboot your PC, here’s how to fix it.
It is possible to totally eliminate the outlook log on requirement when a user is on a workgroup PC. 1) set the workgroup name to match the pre2k log on domain that hosts the exchange server. 2) Set the user name on the users local account to match the user name in AD. These settings cause Outlook to… Read More »
When connecting Outlook 2016 first ensure autodiscover.domain.com is setup. Next use the auto configuration wizard not manual setup (depreciated). If prompted for a user name DO NOT prepend it with the domain: NMS\Jon Smith becomes Jon Smith
AutoDiscover must be configured or Outlook 2016 will be unable to connect to Exchange Server. Outlook 2016 retrieves Exchange connectivity settings directly from AutoDiscover instead of the registry, making profiles more reliable, but that also makes AutoDiscover a required feature. If you have not yet configured AutoDiscover, you will need to do this prior to deploying Outlook 2016.… Read More »
MS Update KB3114409 (Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 32-Bit Edition) issued on Dec 8, 2015 is the culprit. Remove it and you are all good. Microsoft removed the update so if you haven’t seen it you shouldn’t.
Qualys SSL Server Test I tested a site with a DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA and only received a “C” rating. See the links below SSL3 notes, RC4 in TLS notes
Issue:Trying to launch pdf attachments directly from Outlook causes Acrobat to crash. Environment: Acrobat XI or above and Outlook 2010 on Win7 pro x64. Fix: Set reader to run as administrator
To Clear all partitions form a disk including Dell OEM run the following: DISKPART List Disk Select Disk “#” Clean From Disk Manager: Right Click the drive and Choose online Select GPT Create a New Volume with NTFS and 64K Allocation Size
When installing Windows ONLY connect the drive(s) that will run the OS and the optical drive. Be sure all others are disconnected by: inspecting the internal connections in the PC, disconnecting all externals, and verifying the target drive specs in BIOS > Drives Disable drives not connected in BIOS > Drives Set the RAID to AHCI for a single… Read More »
Open current iTunes backup: %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync Move the folder” Backup” to the new destination At the original folder location, press the SHIFT key, right-click and select “Open command window here” and enter this command (ends in new location): mklink /J %APPDATA%\Apple Backup “E:\Backup\iTunes”
This assumes it’s installed and you have run the executable that adds it to your apps. 1. In AutoCAD execute command CUILOAD 2. Select MCOLOR9x and Unload it (eg. MCOLOR97 for M-Color 9.7) 3. Restart AutoCAD If CUILOAD did not not restore M-Color menu: 1. Run AutoCAD commands: MCO_MCOLOR_MENU & MCO_MCOLOR_MENU2
Get the serial number (“About this MAC”) then enter it here (Do not use 3rd party sites)
Windows default has hibernation turned on. This take good piece of the hard drive in the form of the hiberfil.sys file which takes up about as much c drive space as there is RAM installed. To dispose of the file and disable hibernation instantly use this in PowerShell: powershell -Command “Start-Process ‘powercfg.exe’ -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ‘/h off'”
Some things can be done in the GUI, lots require powershell. Part 1 Part 2
This is not pretty. http://www.valiant-ny.com/2012/02/archive-email-in-outlook-2011-for-mac/
Get-ExchangeServer | Format-Table Name, *Version* Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List Name, Edition, AdminDisplayVersion Here is the list of versions:
With Display port 1.2 you can daisy chain multiple monitors from 1 port. I found that this feature is disabled by default in the monitor hardware hardware. Based on the warning enabling this with a non compliant card will cause issues.
In Server 2012 the tabs for Agent, Traps and Security are missing? “In order for the SNMP management-tabs to show, the Remote Server and Administration Tools feature SNMP Tools must also be installed.”
Email that you send on behalf of someone is not saved in their Sent Items folder https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2181579 There is a registry key to allow this but it is not available after 2007 without applying the hotfix to outlook. There are more variations detailed here: (ie, Exchange 2010 outlook 2013)
Apparently some mail servers/spam appliances are using a Cisco service that monitors email and web traffic. http://www.senderbase.org/ punch in your IP and find out what they think of you…. I have yet to figure out what to do about things like a “Neutral” rating which apparently will get you bounced. (Please add any info if you find it)… Read More »
Some time ago I ran across a situation where the windows preview would cause files to lock, particularly excel and word files. More recently I came across a situation at Pasma Group where explorer would just randomly close up when you tried to open a window. We assumed it was related to the user’s profile until another user… Read More »
Dell is once again shipping their workstations with Intel Speed Step enabled. This should be turned off in the BIOS.
Notepad++ has a plugin called compare. Note the visual map on the right side. This makes finding small changes in a script much easier. To access it: Install it from Plugins>Plugin Manager
New Earth Pro keys are no longer being generated. If you do not have a key, use your email address and the key GEPFREE to sign in once you download the software here: https://geoauth.google.com/gev0/free_trial.html.
This is our standard process for deploying Autodesk products.
https://litmus.com/blog/a-guide-to-rendering-differences-in-microsoft-outlook-clients The link above is to an article on the different rendering possibilities for different versions of outlook. It is lengthy and complex even though it’s just an overview! For clients that have issues with the way their email is displayed, or not displayed, or particularly for design oriented clients interested in email marketing the fact that so… Read More »
I setup an older Dell Latitude 6410 with Windows 8, checked the drivers, tested the Wi-Fi and sent it out the door. The only problem was the the laptop could only connect to some networks.
Before removing a drive from service or when moving a user to a new system, it is important to verify no PSTs have been left behind. To find all PSTs launch ISE as admin then run: Get-ChildItem -path c:\users\ -force -Recurse -filter ‘*.pst’ -erroraction ‘silentlycontinue’ | select name, Length, LastWriteTime, directory #Run as admin
In this example abaldwin is granted reviewer access to jjohnson’s calendar: get-mailbox -identity “jjohnson”| foreach {Add-MailboxfolderPermission $_”:\calendar” -User “abaldwin” -AccessRights Reviewer} To do this for an entire Co. use Excel and a list of all users then use Concatenate to edit the individual cmdlets which can be pasted in bulk to PowerShell.