Category Archives: Network

5G Signal Strength

By | September 20, 2023

Excellent: -50 dBm to -65 dBm (or full signal bars) Good Signal: -66 dBm to -80 dBm (or 3-4 signal bars) Fair Signal: -81 dBm to -95 dBm (or 2 signal bars) Poor Signal: -96 dBm and below (or 1 signal bar or no signal)

SMG Queue – 450 4.4.1

By | August 21, 2018

If you are seeing the following error, on messages in the Symantec Messaging Gateway queue: 450 4.4.1 [internal] Connection Timed Out These messages are being interrupted during transmission. This leads to the sender receiving a delayed delivery notice. This is caused by something in the message being rejected by the Cisco router during inspection of the traffic. To… Read More »

Home Ed. in a Domain

By | May 22, 2018

You can connect a Windows home edition PC to a domain as follows: Change the PCs workgroup to the domain name (pre-Windows 2000) Change the local username and password to exactly match a domain account. The PC should now have full access to Outlook, network shares and printers without entering credentials.

Network XP & 10

By | December 28, 2017

Hopefully this doesn’t come up often but when it does… Windows 10 no longer supports SMB1. It can be enabled (it is also a big security hole) Powershell as administrator: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol more on the topic in general here.

Autodesk License via VPN

By | December 6, 2017

If AutoCAD fails to pull a license over a VPN you need to adjust the time out period that it tries to  connect. Do this by adding a system variable and it fixes all Autodesk products. System>Advanced…>Environment Variables>System Variables>New variable name:   FLEXLM_TIMEOUT                Variable value:   10000000

Site VPN 1/2 Connected

By | November 20, 2017

In a Site-toSite VPN setup between two Cisco ASAs you find that traffic stops passing between sites, however, the connection is established. In addition under Monitoring>VPN>IPSec Site-to-Site one side shows: Bytes Rx 0 / Tx increasing and the other ASA shows BytesRx increasing / Tx 0. While rare the fix is to: change nothing, save the configs and… Read More »