M-Color menu reload

By | October 21, 2015

This assumes it’s installed and you have run the executable that adds it to your apps. 1. In AutoCAD execute command CUILOAD 2. Select MCOLOR9x and Unload it (eg. MCOLOR97 for M-Color 9.7) 3. Restart AutoCAD If CUILOAD did not not restore M-Color menu: 1. Run AutoCAD commands: MCO_MCOLOR_MENU & MCO_MCOLOR_MENU2

Control Panels

By | October 18, 2015

Control Panel Item Command Accessibility Options Access.cpl Add Hardware Hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs Appwiz.cpl Automatic Updates Wuaucpl.cpl Bluetooth bthprops.cpl Date and time Timedate.cpl Display Control desktop / desk.cpl Firewall firewall.cpl Folder Options Control folders Fos Control fonts / fonts Internet Options Inetcpl.cpl iSCSI  iscsicpl.cpl Java  jpicpl32.cpl Keyboard Control keyboard Licensing Mode  liccpa.cpl Mouse main.cpl Network Connections ncpa.cpl Network Setup… Read More »

SNMP Service tabs

By | August 26, 2015

In Server 2012 the tabs for Agent, Traps and Security are missing? “In order for the SNMP management-tabs to show, the Remote Server and Administration Tools feature SNMP Tools must also be installed.”

Send as – Sent item

By | August 26, 2015

Email that you send on behalf of someone is not saved in their Sent Items folder https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2181579 There is a registry key to allow this but it is not available after 2007 without applying the hotfix to outlook. There are more variations detailed here: (ie, Exchange 2010 outlook 2013)

Delayed/Rejected Emails

By | August 25, 2015

Apparently some mail servers/spam appliances are using a Cisco service that monitors email and web traffic. http://www.senderbase.org/ punch in your IP and find out what they think of you…. I have yet to figure out what to do about things like a “Neutral” rating which apparently will get you bounced. (Please add any info if you find it)… Read More »

Win7: Explorer Crashing

By | August 24, 2015

Some time ago I ran across a situation where the windows preview would cause files to lock, particularly excel and word files. More recently I came across a situation at Pasma Group where explorer would just randomly close up when you tried to open a window. We assumed it was related to the user’s profile until another user… Read More »

Outlook Rendering Complexities.

By | April 13, 2015

https://litmus.com/blog/a-guide-to-rendering-differences-in-microsoft-outlook-clients The link above is to an article on the different rendering possibilities for different versions of outlook. It is lengthy and complex even though it’s just an overview! For clients that have issues with the way their email is displayed, or not displayed, or particularly for design oriented clients interested in email marketing the fact that so… Read More »