Category Archives: PowerShell

Set Outlook permisions

By | March 9, 2015

In this example abaldwin is granted reviewer access to jjohnson’s calendar: get-mailbox -identity “jjohnson”| foreach {Add-MailboxfolderPermission $_”:\calendar” -User “abaldwin” -AccessRights Reviewer} To do this for an entire Co. use Excel and a list of all users then use Concatenate to edit the individual cmdlets which can be pasted in bulk to PowerShell.

Exchange 2013 Error “X-FEServer:”

By | January 23, 2015

This is caused after a new SSL Certificate is installed on Exchange. To resolve this go to IIS MMC find the certificate hash for the new cert then run the following PowerShell commands: Enable-ExchangeCertificate CertificateHash -Services SMTP Enable-ExchangeCertificate CertificateHash -Services IIS